Your Guide to Barefoot Living

In Health, Wellness by Daniel

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Learn how barefoot living might be the key to living a healthier life!


In this article we discuss the benefits of being barefoot in nature. And why you should give it a try today!


Have you ever noticed how a simple walk on the beach can completely alter your mood? 

The feeling of sand between your toes, the splash of an oncoming wave, and the warm sun touching your skin - all combine to lower your stress and put you in a blissful state of mind. 

But have you considered why a setting such as a beach can have a profound effect on how you feel?

You might have attributed it to being on vacation. Yes, less stress and being fully present while away will help. So does the magic elixir of Vitamin D on your skin. 

However, there might be a key factor that is often overlooked and just as powerful. 

Bare feet. 

Far from a hippie lifestyle rumor, walking barefoot in nature has recently become widely known to decrease stress and leave you feeling more grounded and present in your day-to-day life. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss how living with bare feet can have a profound effect on your health and hopefully convince you to start your own barefoot practice. 

What is it?

The mechanism to a barefoot way of life is simple. Spend time each day walking in nature without shoes. 

In our modern society, shoes have become an integral part of our daily wardrobe. Whether they be for cushion, support, warmth, or just style, it is not unusual to see people wearing shoes at all times. 

They have become so important that we rarely question their needs. Or their effects on our health. 

And while in certain instances wearing a nice pair of shoes might be necessary, at other times when they are not, what we are actually doing is missing out on a natural and free way to decrease stress, receive a foot massage, and connect deeply with nature. 


Natural Foot Massage

Your feet are full of natural acupressure points and nerve endings. 

Acupressure is defined as, “An alternative medicine technique often used in conjunction with acupuncture or reflexology. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through "meridians" in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points or ashi trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.”

By walking everywhere with shoes, we miss out on the natural way our bodies can clear blockages in our meridians or nervous system. These blockages can create stagnation of energy in our bodies. With each step you take barefoot, you are in a sense awakening the nerve endings that reside in the soles of your feet and run all the way up your legs. 

Better Alignment

Our body structures are connected. Any issue we experience in one will eventually lead to a connecting problem elsewhere. This is no less true than in the way we walk. Most modern shoes and sneakers have a thick layer of padding and arch support. In theory, this is to help with our walking alignment and posture. In practice, it often does the opposite. 

Instead of increasing awareness of our gait, as well as how our ankles, knees, and hips all work together to efficiently move from point A to point B, we instead can haphazardly walk anywhere, over any surface, without awareness of how our system is supposed to run. By walking barefoot, you strip away the cushioning layer that prevents you from feeling your natural gait. Instead you return to your original alignment between your ankles, knees, and hips. As a result, you walk more efficiently and with care. This will prevent lower leg injuries and engage more major muscle groups. 

Increase Awareness

Speaking of awareness - walking barefoot takes us out of our minds and into the present. 


By walking barefoot you need to be aware of every step you take in order to miss any potentially painful steps. You need to constantly be scanning for debris in nature - rocks, sticks, pinecones, whatever it may be! And by doing so, we’re instantly pulled out of our minds and placed in our present world free from the thoughts and worries of our running mind. 

Strengthen Feet, Ankle, Calves

As we already stated, our current forms of shoes are often highly cushioned and supportive. While great for certain environments, they can also reduce engagement of fine muscles and connective tissues on your lower legs. By walking barefoot, you will feel a more natural foot movement and better distribution of weight across your toes, feet, ankles, and calves. This will in turn, increase the strength of your lower legs and help you avoid injuries in the future. 

Strengthen Arches

With inbuilt foot support in modern shoes, you feet tend to become lazy over time due to underuse. This is especially true in the arches of your feet. Over time, the strength of supportive structures will diminish. By walking barefoot you will strengthen your foot arches, return to a more natural step, and prevent injuries as well as foot and knee pain. 

Feeling of Freedom

Walking barefoot is a simple way to offer our bodies the simplicity of returning back to the natural. Think about how when you were a kid you would spend the entire summer with bare feet. The feeling of running through the grass, climbing trees, jumping into a pool or the ocean. You were alive, connected, and secure. Give yourself a return to the simple by freeing your feet to feel the Earth underneath. 

“Earthing” of “Grounding”

Over the last few years a new term has begun to surface in the health and wellness space. 


The idea behind Earthing is simple: the Earth is negatively charged. When you ground, or connect to the Earth with bare feet, you’re connecting your body to a negatively charged supply of energy in the Earth. Because the Earth has a greater negative charge than your body, you absorb electrons from it. 

These electrons clear the body of free radicals that create damage and inflammation. You’re in a way detoxifying your body by connecting your skin to the Earth. And it has been shown to help with insomnia and other autoimmune disorders as well. 

Ready to give it a try? Before you do, read through these simple “do’s” and “don’ts” to better prepare yourself. 

Do’s and Don’ts

Do: Walk on grass, at the beach, and almost everywhere in between. 

When you first start with a barefoot lifestyle, it is important to stick to natural environments only. Being in nature is the fastest way to experience the benefits of being barefoot. 

Don’t: Walk anywhere there is litter or other debris. 

You never know what may be lurking in some areas. You can stumble upon some pretty dangerous debris like razor blades or even hypodermic needles. If you want to walk barefoot, make sure you do it in a place that is clean! 

Do: Wash your feet, especially after a long day of being barefoot. 

When you are barefoot for an entire day, it’s only natural to have a layer of dirt on the bottom of your feet. It’s all part of the fun. But to make sure you remain healthy and don’t ruin your bed sheets, give your feet a good soap down at the end of the day! 

Don’t: Go barefoot with any open cuts or sores on your feet. 

Walking in a natural environment is a great way to reconnect to the Earth, but if you have any open cuts or sores on the soles of your feet, you are opening them up for the possibility of infection. Make sure you disinfect properly and wait for any cuts to heal before going barefoot. 

Do: Start slow! 

When you first give barefoot living a try, your feet may be very sensitive. This is due to the overuse of shoes in your day-to-day life. If you feel like you cannot handle the new sensations running up your legs, carry a pair of sandals or flip flops with you and slip them on when needed. It’s always a great idea to start slow in the beginning until your bare feet are used to the increase in sensations. 


Give it a Try! 

Start slow. The best way to begin to integrate a barefoot way of life is to simply spend the morning with your feet touching the Earth before you start your day. This can be as simple as sipping your morning coffee while standing on the grass. Or maybe you’re a fast-starter and want to go for a short walk through the woods or on the beach. 

Whatever you decide, give your feet the freedom to feel the natural world and experience the benefits first hand! 

About the Author


Daniel is a travelling author with a passion for exploring new waterways and sharing his experiences with the world.

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