BOTE Flood Aero Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board, 11 Foot Length Size Blow up iSUP, Great for Adults Kids Family Friendly Includes Paddle & Travel Bag



About this item

  • Family Friendly - The Flood Aero has all the essentials to give you and your family a fun day out on the water with all the style that comes with owning a BOTE.
  • Namaste on the Water - If you enjoy a bit of yoga in your life, our Full Trax style makes the perfect floating "yoga mat" thanks to a full-length deck pad that offers maximum space and traction.
  • Any Waterway, Any Day - The engineering of the entry rocker coupled with the thickness of the rails make the Flood Aero extremely stable in most water conditions.
  • Room for Hitchhikers - The full-length deck pad adds traction along the entire board, giving cushion and grip for an extra passenger like a young'un not quite ready to paddle on their own or man's best friend.
  • Now Compatible with MAGNEPOD - A magnetic base that is a revolutionary, tool-less drink retention system that makes securing your BOTE magnetic drinkware a snap.